About Us
QEC Management Services was founded by David Wadlow in 1992.
Hugh Wadlow joined in 2017.
David Wadlow
Senior Partner
David Wadlow is an apprentice served Electronics & Mechanical Engineer, within aerospace manufacturing company.
His career progressed through manufacturing, design, sales, marketing, to senior management and directorships, giving him a strong commercial focus.
When he started QEC in 1992, his aim was to help businesses improve through the implementation of a good Quality Management System, that support the business. This has resulted in a long term relationship with many Clients.

Hugh Wadlow
Hugh Wadlow has an Aerospace Engineering degree from Kingston University. Prior to joining QEC, he spent nine years working on large scale offshore wind farms across Europe. Initally on the commissioning side, before becoming involved with quality assurance, supporting the Project Managment team to reach delivery and financial targets.
With a genuine passion for all things Aerospace and Renewables, his focus is on making Quality, Environmental and H&S Management Systems support the business and drive continual improvement.
In his spare time Hugh kept busy with his two energetic sons and wife, endurance running, moutain biking.
Both the Consulting Partners are experienced Lead Auditors and work over a wide range of sectors. Their pool of best practice knowledge is shared with clients. References available upon request.